PMZ Membership is tailored to match your level of skill and experience. PMZ Membership is valid and renewable annually. There are three membership grades outlined below:
Grade 1: Associate Member (individual/corporate)
An Associate member (AKA Fellow) is someone (active/retired) who has an interest in Project Management and supports the objectives of PMZ but does not yet meet the criteria to be a Full MEMBER.
They are not allowed a vote at annual elections, the PMZ Annual General Meeting, or any Extraordinary General Meeting Associates are expected to demonstrate their commitment to PMZ by signing a Professional Code of Conduct There are no post-nominal for this grade. An Associate Member can be an individual or an organization.
Grade 2: Full Member

A Full Member is a person who possesses the necessary qualifications and industry experience in project management specified by PMZ. There are two classes of full membership
Ordinary Member - $25/Annum
Ordinary Members are individuals with a 4-year bachelor’s Degree at NQF 6 or an Advanced level Certificate at NQF 4, along with industry/management experience. They are studying towards project management qualifications but have not yet qualified. They commit to the professional code of ethics, engage in career development, and actively participate in PMZ affairs.
Professional Member - $75/Annum
Professional Members of PMZ are in good standing with achieved and sustained Professional Status through the organization’s registration. They hold international certifications like PMP®, PRINCE2, or MSc PM and commit to the Professional Code of Ethics. They can vote at meetings, facilitate PMZ training programs, and use the post-nominal “PMZ. PrM.”